
Orange & White

Hello fashionistas,hope your weekend is going on well.Just  saw this photos that   i took a while ago and had completely forgotten about them.I was going to school then and wanted something very comfortable and yet chic. I wore the Orange skirt and paired with the white blouse since ...


Hello fashionistas, hope your week is great so far. As am posting this i should be in bed, gotta wake up early and my twin is always complaining how much she has to wait for me to get ready " i will leave you now....." she says. i can't get ...


Happy Monday Everyone. Of late am obsessed with Yellow. The colour of mind and intellect. I find myself just drawn to it,maybe its because its one of the warm colours Paired it with simple brown shoes and wore tights the weather is so unpredictable, it looks sunny but its cold. Thanks for ...

Hybrid Seduction

In New Orleans the air is thick with blood. Don't you just love vampire diaries? The twist is great, we get to see more of the originals. Vampires, hybrids, irresistable and addictive.I am simply twin is basically in love with Klaus ,today on my way home, i did some ...


Hello fashionistas, This is going to be a very quick post. Thanks for stopping by our previous post we enjoyed reading your thoughts. We've been out of school since may hence alot of time to blog. With the month almost over here is a compilation of all the outfit posts we ...

Branded Fashion

Hello, Back to coloured pants. First time i actually wear this pink jeans. They were slightly big when i bought them, but had them resized and now they fit like a glove. I felt like creating an arm candy so i wore this bangles, each is very thin so i ...

Incredibly intoxicating

Hello Everyone, this is what i wore for the challenge my twin talked about it in our previous post. A few items that i consider a must have in any lady‘s closet include stripes and leather.Stripes make a whole look unique. i paired the green striped top with the leather ...


Hello, Hello Fashionistas. This actually my todays outfit and my challenge outfit. Its a Kenyan Bloggers Challenge, We have been networking with some bloggers and our first challenge was stripes, my twin will be posting her look soon and the links to the other blogger so you can check them out too. Stripes ...

Chic Ambiance

Happy Tuesday, Hope you are having a wonderful week so far Wore this girly outfit last week. Love the skirt alot, its got a great colour and cute detail at the front Kept the accessories to the minimal, the chain was actually a necklace. But i like it better on the hand.  ...

Almost Forgotten

Hello fashionistas, hope your weekend is going great,I was going through our pictures when i came across this ones and thought i should share. This pictures where taken sometime last year, courtesy of Nairobi film and music festival, While show casing some designs and clothes for upcoming local designers. I ...

Sixtenth of May

Hello fashionholics, Thanks so much for stopping by our previous post and leaving your comments we love reading what you think. I wore this outfit yesterday to met a pal i hadn't seen in quite sometime.The weather here is so unpredictable, one minute its sunny the other its raining cats and dogs ...


Hello fashionistas, Hope your week is going great. We bought this beauties last week on Sunday but havent won them yet.New acquisation in the closet.Studs rule the world, and spikes are everywhere. We have been looking for such wedges for so long time with no luck and finally we got them. ...

Epitome of beauty

Happy Monday Fashionistas, Thanks so much for your lovely comments on our previous post. We really appreciate. Here is yet another post with coloured pants,love them since they are easy to dress, colourful,bring out personality and they are feminine. About the outfit i paired the purple pants with the blue bag ...

Rain Rain go Away

Hello fashionistas, i hope your week is going great. This yet another simple outfit paired the jeans with a sheer simple top, it got cold during the day so i later added a blazer. I had been looking for flared pants for quiet sometime, but when i got them they ...


Hello fashionistas, hope you are having a great weekend. I can't seem to keep this book down (fifty shades of grey)i got it a few weeks ago but i cldn't read it ...