Sixtenth of May

by GlamourZONE

Hello fashionholics,
Thanks so much for stopping by our previous post and leaving your comments we love reading what you think.
I wore this outfit yesterday to met a pal i hadn’t seen in quite sometime.The weather here is so unpredictable, one minute its sunny the other its raining cats and dogs and it gets so cold
Hence the Jacket. Which i actually love its so light yet so chic. This is the second time i actually wear this dress, i wore it first to school but didn’t take photos then. I love peplums.

My twin was the photographer. She is so terrific. We had fun taking the pictures as always. Leave your link so we can check out your blog, follow us we will follow back.
(Sorry this may only sound familiar to readers from KENYA dress is from Diamond Plaza, Jacket some stall on Moi Avenue, Accessories Mr.Price, Bag thrifted in Ngara Market, Shoes Diamond plaza).

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