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Glamour Zone

Self love: Body Acceptance

by GlamourZONE

‘Embrace and love your body it is the most amazing thing you will ever have. ” This been said I believe it is important to exercise regularly. This helps in the physical as well as the mental wellbeing. Ever since I started my fitness journey I am happier than I used to be, it helps me to release all the negative energy that I have and I have grown to love my body as it is. I am more than motivated to reach my body goals day after day. Loving your body has a lot to do with self-love. You cannot love yourself if you are always criticizing your body. There is a time I could look in the mirror and all I could think was I need to lose a few inches here and there. But this has changed, I now see a beautiful girl with so much to look forward to. Instead of beating myself up, I now get motivated to work harder towards my body goals and to eat clean.

 Below I am sharing some pointers that I have found really useful in body acceptance.
1. Be kind to your body. 
Your body is a reflection of how good you are to it. For instance, drinking a lot of water reflects on your glow so does avoiding fatty foods.
2. I have learned to listen to my body.
If I have a reaction to something I discontinue the usage. And I make sure to get the much-needed rest.
3. Make the mirror your friend. 
Every time I look in the mirror I say nice things about my body and compliment myself for the progress that I have made. This helps me to accept myself more and love how I look. 
4 Setting realistic goals
Ever seen these adverts and remedies that promise you abs in 7 days, well they do not work. Tried a few and gave up.One thing that I have learned in my short-lived years, is that it takes time and one has to be really patient and consistent.
“Your worth is not measured by the size of your waist”. 

I would love to hear what you think about body acceptance. Feel free to leave me a comment below.
My makeup is done by glam_with_carey check her out on instagram
I wish you all a great weekend,
With lots of love 

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